
Women's Ministry




Who are we?

Restore(d) Women’s Ministry (d = daughter)


We are daughters of the King, the only One who can and does restore. We gather in different settings for different reasons and we would LOVE for you to join us! We encourage each other, pray for each other, dig into the Word together, and serve together. Sometimes it's in a formal setting and sometimes it's not, but we LOVE Jesus and we are here to further His Kingdom.

Small Groups


If you are looking for a Small Group to connect with, check out the rGroups page. There are always groups to attend on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis.

The Well


Wells are a place where people get water. They are crucial in certain parts of the world for people's well-being. Wells were also a place where Jesus met people and had life-changing conversations. 

If you are a woman, I want to invite you to The Well, a part of the Restore's Women's Ministry. It is a monthly gathering; a time of refreshing, a place of friendship, and a space for growth as we dig into the Word together! 

We'll meet one Tuesday a month in the Office Building from 7PM - 9PM.
Fall Dates

Jan. 28

Feb. 25

March 25


Check out our Women's Blog